10 Fixes: Why Does My Android Box Keep Restarting?

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’ve encountered the frustrating issue of your Android box constantly restarting.

Trust me, I know how annoying that can be!

In this blog post, i’m going to explain 10 reasons what causes an android box to restart frequently and how you can fix this problem.

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Sum Up:

My Android box keeps restarting. What should I do first?

If your Android box is constantly restarting, the first steps to take are:

  • Check for overheating and ensure proper ventilation.
  • Verify the power supply is stable and matches your device’s requirements.
  • Update your firmware to the latest version.
  • Clear app caches to free up storage.
  • Uninstall suspicious or rarely used apps.

1. Overheating – The Silent Culprit

Overheating is a common villain behind those incessant reboots. Android boxes are like mini computers, and they generate heat. If it can’t dissipate that heat properly, it might decide to take a break – and by “break,” I mean a restart.

Solution: Ensure your Android box has proper ventilation. Don’t stack other devices on top of it, and if possible, invest in a cooling pad or fan.

2. Dodgy Power Supply – Voltage Matters

If your power supply isn’t providing a consistent voltage, your Android box might act up. Fluctuations in power can lead to sudden reboots, which can be a headache.

Solution: Use a reliable power supply that matches your Android box’s specifications. Avoid using cheap, no-name adapters.

3. Outdated Firmware – Keep It Fresh

Outdated firmware can introduce various glitches. Manufacturers release updates to fix bugs and improve stability. If you’re running on an older version, your Android box might decide it’s time for a reset.

Solution: Check for firmware updates regularly in your settings menu. Be sure to back up your data before updating, just in case.

4. Rogue Apps – Trouble in Your Box

Rogue apps could be the culprits. Some apps might not play well with others, causing your system to crash and restart.

Solution: Uninstall any suspicious or rarely used apps. Keep only what you need, and make sure the apps are up-to-date.

5. Hardware Issues – The Last Resort

If you’ve checked all of the above and your Android box is still misbehaving, there might be some underlying hardware issues. It could be a failing hard drive, RAM, or other internal components.

Solution: In this case, it’s best to contact the manufacturer’s support or a professional technician. They can run diagnostics and pinpoint the exact problem.

6. Cache Overload – The Digital Hoarding Problem

Your Android box tends to accumulate a lot of cache data from apps and processes over time. When this cache becomes too bloated, it can lead to crashes and restarts.

Solution: Regularly clear app caches by going to Settings > Apps > [App Name] > Storage > Clear Cache. You can also use cleaning apps like CCleaner to help manage cache more efficiently.

7. Network Issues – Unstable Connection Woes

A shaky internet connection can sometimes trigger reboots, especially if your Android box relies on a network connection for streaming or updates.

Solution: Check your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection for stability. Restart your router if needed or consider upgrading to a more reliable network connection.

8. Software Conflicts – Clash of the Titans

Conflicts between different software components within your Android box can wreak havoc. This might happen if you’ve installed custom ROMs, modified system files, or tinkered too much with system settings.

Solution: If you’ve made significant software modifications, consider reverting to the stock setup or seeking help from a tech-savvy friend who’s experienced in Android customization.

9. Low Storage Space – Running on Empty

Running out of storage space can lead to all sorts of problems, including constant reboots. When your Android box doesn’t have enough room to operate smoothly, it might restart to free up resources.

Solution: Delete unnecessary files and apps, and make use of external storage options like USB drives or SD cards to offload content.

10. Malware Intrusion – The Digital Pest

Last but not least, the presence of malware or viruses can cause erratic behavior in your Android box, leading to those frustrating restarts.

Solution: Install a reputable antivirus or anti-malware app and perform a thorough scan of your Android box. Be cautious when downloading apps from unofficial sources and stick to the Google Play Store whenever possible.


2. How can I prevent my Android box from overheating?

To prevent overheating, make sure your Android box has good airflow. Avoid stacking other devices on top of it, and consider using a cooling pad or fan for additional cooling.

3. How do I update the firmware on my Android box?

To update firmware, go to your Android box’s settings menu. Look for the “About” or “System” section, and you’ll usually find an option for system updates. Make sure to back up your data before performing the update.

4. What if none of the solutions work, and my Android box still restarts?

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and the issue persists, it might be a hardware problem. In this case, it’s best to contact the manufacturer’s support or a professional technician for diagnostics and repairs.

5. Can malware cause my Android box to restart?

Yes, malware or viruses can lead to erratic behavior and unexpected restarts. Install a reputable antivirus or anti-malware app and perform a thorough scan of your Android box to eliminate any potential threats.

6. What’s the role of app cache in causing reboots?

App cache data can accumulate over time and consume storage and system resources. When it becomes excessive, it can lead to crashes and reboots. Clearing app caches regularly can help alleviate this issue.

7. Why is network stability important in preventing restarts?

An unstable internet connection can trigger restarts, especially if you rely on it for streaming or updates. Ensure your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is stable, and consider restarting your router if needed.

8. Can customizations and software modifications cause restarts?

Yes, custom ROMs or extensive software modifications can lead to software conflicts, resulting in reboots. Reverting to the stock setup or seeking help from experienced users may be necessary in such cases.

9. How can I avoid running out of storage space on my Android box?

To prevent running out of storage, regularly delete unnecessary files and apps. Additionally, consider using external storage options like USB drives or SD cards to expand your available space.

10. Is it safe to download apps from unofficial sources?

It’s generally safer to download apps from the official Google Play Store. Apps from unofficial sources may carry security risks, including malware. Be cautious and avoid sideloading apps unless you’re confident in their source and legitimacy.

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