6 Fixes: android tv ethernet is not connected

If you’re facing connectivity issues with your Android TV’s Ethernet connection, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through three simple fixes that can get your Android TV back online and streaming in no time. So, grab your remote and let’s dive right in!

android tv ethernet is not connected

Fix. 1 Check the Physical Connections:

First things first, let’s make sure all the cables are properly connected. Follow these steps:

  • a) Unplug both ends of the Ethernet cable from your Android TV and the router or modem.
  • b) Inspect the Ethernet cable for any visible damage or loose connectors. If you notice any issues, consider replacing the cable.
  • c) Reconnect both ends of the Ethernet cable firmly into their respective ports on your Android TV and the router or modem.

Remember, a solid physical connection is the foundation for a stable network connection.

Fix.2 Restart Your Android TV:

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple reboot to fix connectivity problems. Follow these steps to restart your Android TV:

  • a) Press and hold the power button on your remote control until a menu appears on the screen.
  • b) Select the “Restart” or “Reboot” option from the menu.
  • c) Wait for your Android TV to turn off and then turn back on again.

After the restart, check if the Ethernet connection is now working. If not, let’s move on to the next fix.

Fix. 3 Reset Network Settings:

If the previous fixes didn’t do the trick, resetting the network settings on your Android TV might resolve the issue. Here’s what you need to do:

  • a) Navigate to the “Settings” menu on your Android TV using the remote control.
  • b) Look for the “Network & Internet” or “Network” option and select it.
  • c) Find and select the “Reset Network Settings” or “Reset Connections” option.
  • d) Confirm the action and wait for your Android TV to reset the network settings.

After the reset, you’ll need to reconnect to your Wi-Fi network or set up the Ethernet connection again. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process.

Fix.4 Change Ethernet Cable and Port:

If the physical connections seem fine but you’re still experiencing issues, it’s time to consider the Ethernet cable and port.

  • a) Swap the Ethernet cable with a known working one. This helps rule out any potential cable defects.
  • b) Connect the Ethernet cable to a different port on your router or modem.

This can help determine if the port itself is causing the problem.

By trying different cables and ports, you can pinpoint whether the issue lies with your Android TV or the network infrastructure.

Fix. 5 Update Android TV Firmware:

Outdated firmware can sometimes cause connectivity problems. Follow these steps to ensure your Android TV has the latest firmware:

  • a) Navigate to the “Settings” menu using your remote control.
  • b) Look for the “About” or “System” option and select it.
  • c) Find and select “System Update” or “Software Update.”
  • d) If an update is available, follow the on-screen prompts to download and install it.

Keeping your Android TV up to date ensures that it’s equipped with the latest bug fixes and improvements, which may resolve connectivity issues.

Fix. 6 Factory Reset Your Android TV:

If all else fails, performing a factory reset can be a last resort to fix persistent Ethernet connection problems. Here’s how to do it:

  • a) Go to the “Settings” menu on your Android TV.
  • b) Find the “System” or “Device Preferences” option and select it.
  • c) Look for “Reset” or “Factory Reset” and choose it.
  • d) Confirm the action and allow your Android TV to reset to its original settings.


Q1: Why is my Android TV not connecting to Ethernet?

A: There can be several reasons for this issue, such as faulty cables, loose connections, or network configuration problems.

Q2: How can I check if my Ethernet cable is working properly?

A: To verify the cable’s functionality, you can try connecting it to a different device and see if it establishes a connection. If it works on another device, the issue might be with your Android TV or the port you’re using.

Q3: Can a software update fix Ethernet connectivity problems on Android TV?

A: Yes, sometimes a software update can resolve network-related issues by addressing bugs and improving compatibility. Make sure to check for any available firmware updates for your Android TV.

Q4: What should I do if restarting my Android TV doesn’t fix the Ethernet connection problem?

A: If a simple restart doesn’t solve the issue, you can try power cycling your router or modem. Unplug the power source, wait for a few seconds, and then plug it back in. This can help refresh the network connection.

Q5: How can I perform a factory reset on my Android TV?

A: The process may vary slightly depending on the TV model, but generally, you can find the factory reset option in the Settings menu. Look for “System,” “Device Preferences,” or a similar option, and then select “Reset” or “Factory Reset.” Remember to back up your important data before proceeding, as a factory reset will erase all settings and data.

Q6: Are there any alternative connectivity options if Ethernet is not working?

A: Yes, if Ethernet is not feasible, you can try connecting your Android TV to Wi-Fi instead. Most Android TVs support wireless connections, allowing you to enjoy streaming content without an Ethernet cable.

Q7: What if none of the solutions work for my Android TV’s Ethernet connectivity problem?

A: If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, it’s recommended to contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance based on your device model and help resolve the problem.

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