8 Fixes: Android TV Bluetooth Stuttering

If you’ve ever experienced that annoying Bluetooth audio stuttering while streaming your favorite shows or playing games on your Android TV, you know how frustrating it can be.

Quick Sum up

  1. Check for Interference: Keep Bluetooth devices away from potential signal disruptors, like microwaves, and optimize your Wi-Fi setup.
  2. Update Your Android TV Software: Ensure your Android TV’s operating system is up to date to resolve potential software-related issues.
  3. Check Bluetooth Device Compatibility: Verify that your Bluetooth headphones or speakers are compatible with your Android TV in terms of Bluetooth version and audio codecs.
  4. Restart and Reset: Give your Android TV a fresh start by restarting it and resetting Bluetooth connections when needed.
  5. Optimize Bluetooth Audio Codec: Choose an appropriate audio codec for your Android TV and Bluetooth device to improve audio quality and stability.
  6. Clear Bluetooth Cache: Regularly clear the Bluetooth cache on your Android TV to refresh the connection.
  7. Update Bluetooth Device Firmware: Keep your Bluetooth headphones or speakers updated with the latest firmware for enhanced performance.
  8. Use an External Bluetooth Transmitter: If all else fails, consider using an external Bluetooth transmitter to bypass your TV’s built-in Bluetooth for a more stable connection.

Why Does Bluetooth Stutter Happen on Android TV?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s quickly understand why Bluetooth stuttering occurs on Android TV.

The culprits are usually interference, outdated software, or incompatible devices. When your Bluetooth connection is interrupted, it can result in audio dropouts or stuttering.

Now, let’s get down to business and tackle this issue head-on.

1. Check for Interference

Interference is a common cause of Bluetooth stuttering.

Devices like microwave ovens, cordless phones, and other Bluetooth devices can interfere with your TV’s Bluetooth signal.

Here’s what you can do:

2. Update Your Android TV Software

Outdated software can lead to all sorts of issues, including Bluetooth stuttering. E

nsure that your Android TV’s operating system is up-to-date:

  • Go to Settings: Navigate to the “Settings” menu on your Android TV.
  • System: Select “System.”
  • About: Scroll down and click on “About.”
  • Software Update: Check for software updates, and if available, install them.

Pro Tip: Enable automatic updates to keep your Android TV software current.

3. Check Bluetooth Device Compatibility

Not all Bluetooth devices are created equal, and compatibility issues can lead to stuttering.

Make sure your Bluetooth headphones or speakers are fully compatible with your Android TV:

  • Check Bluetooth Version: Ensure your Bluetooth headphones or speakers support the same Bluetooth version as your Android TV.
  • Codecs: Look for Bluetooth devices that support advanced audio codecs like aptX or AAC for a better audio experience.

4. Restart and Reset

Sometimes, a simple restart or reset can do wonders for your Android TV’s Bluetooth performance:

  • Restart Your Android TV: Go to “Settings,” then “Device Preferences,” and select “Restart.”
  • Reset Bluetooth Connections: In “Settings,” go to “Remotes & Accessories” and select your Bluetooth device. Choose “Forget this device” and then re-pair it.

5. Optimize Bluetooth Audio Codec

Android TV supports various audio codecs, and selecting the right one can make a significant difference in audio quality and stability.

To adjust the codec:

  • Go to Settings: Navigate to “Settings” on your Android TV.
  • Remotes & Accessories: Select “Remotes & Accessories.”
  • Bluetooth Accessories: Click on your Bluetooth device.
  • Audio Codec: Choose an audio codec that is compatible with both your TV and Bluetooth device. Options may include SBC, AAC, aptX, or LDAC.

Selecting a codec that both your TV and Bluetooth device support can lead to a smoother audio experience.

6. Clear Bluetooth Cache

Over time, cached Bluetooth data can cause issues with your Bluetooth connection.

Clearing the cache can help resolve stuttering problems:

  • Access Device Preferences: Head to “Settings,” then “Device Preferences.”
  • Remotes & Accessories: Click on “Remotes & Accessories.”
  • Bluetooth Accessories: Select your Bluetooth device.
  • Unpair & Forget: Choose the option to “Unpair & Forget,” then repair your device.

Clearing the Bluetooth cache will refresh your device’s connection and may improve audio quality.

7. Update Bluetooth Device Firmware

Just like your Android TV needs software updates, your Bluetooth device may require firmware updates.

Check the manufacturer’s website or contact their support for information on updating your Bluetooth headphones or speakers.

Keeping your Bluetooth device’s firmware current can resolve compatibility issues and improve performance.

8. Use an External Bluetooth Transmitter

If you’ve tried everything and Bluetooth stuttering persists, consider using an external Bluetooth transmitter.

This device connects to your Android TV via auxiliary or optical audio output and then transmits the audio signal to your Bluetooth headphones or speakers.

It can bypass the built-in Bluetooth of your TV and offer a more stable connection.


Q1: Why does my Android TV experience Bluetooth stuttering?

A1: Bluetooth stuttering on Android TV can occur due to interference from other devices, outdated software, incompatible devices, or issues with Bluetooth settings.

Q2: How can I check for Bluetooth interference on my Android TV?

A2: You can check for interference by moving other Bluetooth devices away from your TV, reducing Wi-Fi interference, and ensuring that no potential signal disruptors like microwaves are nearby.

Q3: What if my Android TV software is already up to date, but I still experience Bluetooth stuttering?

A3: In such cases, try checking the compatibility of your Bluetooth headphones or speakers with your TV and make sure your Bluetooth devices support the right audio codec.

Q4: Can I resolve Bluetooth stuttering on Android TV by simply restarting the TV?

A4: Yes, a simple restart of your Android TV can sometimes resolve Bluetooth stuttering issues. It’s worth trying this as an initial step.

Q5: Is it essential to clear the Bluetooth cache on my Android TV?

A5: Clearing the Bluetooth cache is not always necessary, but it can help refresh the connection and potentially improve audio quality if you’re experiencing stuttering.

Q6: What if I’ve tried all the fixes, and the issue persists?

A6: If none of the mentioned fixes work, you can consider using an external Bluetooth transmitter, which can provide a more stable connection between your TV and your Bluetooth headphones or speakers.

Q7: How often should I update my Bluetooth device’s firmware?

A7: It’s a good practice to periodically check for firmware updates for your Bluetooth headphones or speakers, especially if you’re experiencing issues. Check the manufacturer’s website for the latest updates.

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