Is LCD Harmful for Eyes?:(You Should Know!)

LCD Harmful for Eyes

LCD screens are not harmful for the eyes in the sense that they will not make people go blind. The detrimental effects are not so pronounced and this is mainly the reason that your doctor will not go crazy.

If he hears you have been spending a lot of time in front of screens lately. However, it has been widely reported that people who spend lots of time in front of a computer or a laptop have reported problems like headache or weak eye sight and others.

Things you should know

  • LCDs use liquid crystal display technology. The blue light emitted is the one known for having the most penetrating ability and crossing all the protective mechanism of eye.
  • Blinking helps to lubricate your eyes and prevent irritation due to dryness.
  • Blue light filters such as those in special glasses are claimed to prevent strain on eyes.
  • If you spend very long times on screens, using the in-built reading modes or warm lights can help too.

Problems Caused due to looking at LCD screens

While LCDs do not have a technology like Cathode ray oscilloscope present in older monitors which damaged the eyes due to their rays, using LCD screens for long time has been known to cause problems.

These include common issues like Eye Strain, Dryness, Irritation or even headaches.

Why are these problems caused?

We know that people all over the world have had an increased screen time over the years.

This screen time is increasing at a particularly alarming rate because of the fact that screens are now incorporated in almost every device we use. Having to look at screens for longer periods of time has shown that there has been a decrease in the blink rate of eyes.

We know that blinking helps to lubricate the eyes, and when the blinking rate is less than normal, the eyes may end drying up and thus irritation is caused which can cause redness of the eye as well.

Another thing known as the computer vision syndrome may also be caused. Its just a fancy name for eye discomfort and feeling of tiredness in the eyes after prolonged use.

Blue Light Exposure

Blue light has the most energy of all visible light wavelengths. This energy can get through the natural filters of the eye and reach the back of the eye.

Our eyes are being permanently damaged by the rapidly increasing amount of blue light we are exposed to each day as a result of our usage of digital devices. Blue light has a cumulative effect that can lead to eye illnesses such as macular degeneration.

Blue Light and Sleep Cycle

Blue light is difficult to be blocked by your eyes. As a result, almost all of it passes right through to the back of your eye, i.e., retina, which works in the conversion of light into images in your brain.

Exposure to every color of light assists in the regulation of your circadian rhythm, or natural sleep-wake cycle. Blue light, more than any other color, disrupts your body’s ability to prepare for sleep by blocking melatonin, a hormone that makes you drowsy.

The bottom line is that you’re less tired at night than usual, and falling asleep takes longer.

Effect of increase LCD screen time on Children

Screens were not as common back in the 2000s when mostly children played outside. Nowadays, most children are glued to their iPads and iPhones averaging around 2-3 hours a day according to various researches.

Spending too much unsupervised time in front of LCD screen can cause the children to develop near sightedness early in their childhood.

They may also face constant eye strain, headache and other similar problems due to the fact that they get so lost looking at cartoons like Cocomelon (a YouTube Channel).

Others that they do not even look away from the screen unless forced to do so. This much exposure is not good as it also interferes with cognitive abilities and sleep cycle.

Remedies to Prevent Any Sort of Damage

In order to prevent problems even as small as strained eyes which usually goes away in a while, there are some techniques one should employ.

Let’s go over these tips and remedies so that no matter how much screen you have to use, especially due to work, you do not end up having headaches and near-sighted glasses.

1.     The most common 20-20-20 rule

This is a very common technique told by many doctors to their patients around the world when they come with tired eyes issues.

This is known as the 20-20-20 rule which states that whenever using LCD screens for long period of times, employ this technique that after every 20 minutes of continuous looking at a screen, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This relaxes our eyes, increases blinking and reduces strain too.

2.     Manage Screen Time of your Children

In times especially after the pandemic, there has been an increased trend of online teaching which meant children to spend time on their computers.

Besides, children use it for recreational purposes. To ensure that they do not face the repercussions, we have to limit the screen time and ensure that they do not use their electronic for continuous long times.

3.     Introduce Breaks

If you work on a computer for long times, then incorporate breaks into your routine where you get up from your computer and roam around the house.

These kinds of things help you to focus better when you sit back again to work and decrease the strain too.

4.     Using Reading Mode

Many devices have reading modes or night lights which filter out a lot of the blue light. If one has to use the screen for extended time periods, resorting to these mods does help.

5.     Using Computer Glasses

While the claims by these blue light filtering computer glasses are not exactly backed up by science, it will not hurt to try them to see if they work for.

Bottom Line

LCDs themselves do not emit any radiation that would cause physical damage but there are problems associated with long term use of the screens that have a cumulative effect which manifests itself after years. Thus, taking care of your eyes when having to sit in front of LCD screens is very essential.

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