Are Gaming Consoles Worth It? (2022)

Yes, Gaming consoles are worth it because they offer the best value for money in comparison to PC’s.

They are more affordable, easier to setup and use than PCs, have a large library of games available at launch, and are very future proof (meaning that you can play your game on any new generation of hardware).

If you’re looking to get into gaming on the go or want something to keep your kids entertained then consoles will be perfect for you.

Why Consoles Are Better than PCs for Gaming?

Gaming consoles are not only worth it, but they are actually the best choice for gamers who want to play their favorite video games on a big screen.

Whether you are a hardcore gamer or someone who wants to try out gaming before buying a full-fledged machine, consoles are definitely worth it.

On the other hand, PCs can play games just fine, but they don’t have the same advantages as consoles do. For example, PCs aren’t very good at playing online multiplayer games.

They also cost more money than consoles.

But there are reasons why you might want to go with a console rather than a PC. So let’s look at some of those reasons in this article.

  • You Can Play Games On A TV Screen

If you already own a television, or if you plan on getting one soon, then you can save yourself from having to spend hundreds of dollars on a new computer. Instead, you can simply plug your game console into your television and start playing right away.

  • Consoles Have Better Graphics And Sound

Consoles have better graphics and sound quality than PCs. This is because they use dedicated hardware that doesn’t need to be upgraded every time a new version of Windows comes out.

  • Consoles Are More Affordable Than PCs

The price of a console is much lower than the price of a comparable PC. In fact, it’s often cheaper to buy a game for a PlayStation 4 than it is to buy a similar game for a PC.

  • Consoles Are Easier To Set Up And Use

Setting up a PC takes a lot of effort. It requires you to download drivers, install software, and configure settings. But setting up a console is easy. All you have to do is connect it to your internet connection and turn it on.

  • Consoles Have Great First Party Exclusives

Many popular games come exclusively to consoles. These include Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, FIFA 18, Need For Speed Payback, Red Dead Redemption 2, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us Remastered, Star Wars Battlefront II, and many others.

  • Consoles Are Very Future-Proof

This is because most consoles last for around 10 years. That means you can enjoy these games even when newer versions of them come out.

  • Consoles Come With Free Game Updates

Most games will automatically update themselves whenever a new patch comes out. This includes free updates like Fortnite and Overwatch.

  • Consoles Have An Enormous Library Of Video Games

There are thousands of games available for PS4 and Xbox One. There are also plenty of games for the Nintendo Switch.

Comparison Between the Best Gaming Consoles

Now that we’ve looked at all the pros and cons of both consoles and PCs, here’s what I think are the best gaming consoles currently available.

Playstation 5

The Playstation 5 is a powerful gaming console that has an impressive library of games. It also has a solid design and features such as motion controls. However, its biggest drawback is its price.

Xbox Series X

The Xbox Series X is Microsoft’s latest gaming console. It has a sleek design and offers several exciting features such as improved AI and facial recognition technology. Its biggest weakness is its high price tag.

Playstation 4

The Playstation 4 has been around since 2013, but it still remains one of the best gaming consoles ever made. It offers amazing performance and an enormous library of games.

Xbox One S

The Xbox One S is Microsoft’s latest iteration of the Xbox One. It features improved graphics and audio, plus a slimmer design.

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a hybrid device that lets users play their favorite games on the go. It works well as a portable system.

Sony PS Vita

The Sony PS Vita was released back in 2011. It’s a handheld gaming system that’s very similar to the Nintendo DS.

Nintendo Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U came out in 2012. It featured a unique controller with motion controls. Unfortunately, it didn’t sell well and was discontinued shortly after its release.

New Nintendo 2DS XL

The New Nintendo 2DS XL is a smaller, more compact model of the original Nintendo 2DS. It costs less than $100 and supports all previous Pokémon titles.

What Do Consoles Offer Besides Games?

While some people only care about playing video games, there are other things that consoles offer besides just entertainment. Here are a few examples.

A Better Experience When Playing Multiplayer Games

When playing multiplayer games, having multiple controllers makes everything easier. You don’t have to keep switching from your keyboard to your mouse or vice versa.

A More Intuitive Interface

When using a gamepad, the interface becomes much simpler. You don’t need to look at the screen while playing. Instead, you can focus on enjoying yourself.

More Control Over Your Hardware

You can control almost every aspect of your hardware through your console. For example, if you want to adjust the volume up or down, you can do so easily by pressing buttons on the side of your console.

Better Audio Quality

Some games feature better sound quality compared to PC versions. This is because they’re designed specifically for consoles.

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