8 Fixes: Onn TV Is Stuck in Headphone Mode

If you’ve ever found yourself in the frustrating situation where your Onn TV seems to be stuck in headphone mode, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there too, and I know just how annoying it can be.

What causes an Onn TV to get stuck in headphone mode?

This issue can be triggered by various factors, including stuck remote control buttons, loose headphone connections, or incorrect settings in the TV’s audio output options

In summary, when dealing with an Onn TV stuck in headphone mode, consider the following key points:

  1. Check for Stuck Remote Buttons: Ensure none of the remote control buttons, particularly the volume buttons, are stuck.
  2. Inspect Headphone Connection: Verify that your headphone connection is secure, and there are no loose connections.
  3. Access TV Settings: Navigate through your TV settings to find the option to switch from headphone mode to TV speakers. Refer to your TV’s user manual or manufacturer’s website for guidance if needed.
  4. Perform a Factory Reset as a Last Resort: If all else fails, perform a factory reset on your TV, but remember that this will erase all your settings and data.
  5. Update or Reboot: Try updating your TV’s firmware and rebooting it to resolve software-related issues.
  6. Check External Devices: Disconnect external devices, and reconnect them one by one to identify if any of them are causing the problem.
  7. Firmware Updates for External Devices: Ensure that any connected external devices have the latest firmware updates to address compatibility issues.
  8. Contact Onn Customer Support: If the issue persists, don’t hesitate to contact Onn customer support for professional assistance, providing them with your TV’s model and serial numbers.

1. Check the Remote Control

The first step is often the simplest one, but it can save you a lot of trouble.

Take a look at your TV remote control and make sure there are no stuck buttons, particularly the volume buttons.

Sometimes, a stuck button can trigger the TV to stay in headphone mode.

Pro Tip: Give all the buttons a good clean, and make sure there are no obstructions that could be causing them to stick.

2. Unplug and Replug Your Headphones

Before we dive deeper into the TV settings, let’s make sure the issue isn’t with your headphones.

Unplug them from your TV and then plug them back in firmly.

It’s possible that a loose connection is causing the TV to think headphones are still connected.

Pro Tip: If you have another pair of headphones, you might want to try plugging those in to see if the issue persists.

This can help you determine if it’s a problem with the TV or the headphones themselves.

3. Access the TV Settings

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of your TV settings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the Menu button on your remote control.
  2. Navigate to the Audio or Sound settings.
  3. Look for the Headphone mode or Audio Output option. It might be under “Sound Output” or something similar.
  4. Change the setting from Headphones to TV Speakers or Internal Speakers.

This should get your TV out of headphone mode and back to its regular audio output.

Pro Tip: If you can’t find the Headphone mode or Audio Output option, consult your TV’s user manual or visit the Onn website for specific instructions related to your TV model.

4. Perform a Factory Reset (Last Resort)

If none of the above steps work, it might be time for the big guns – a factory reset.

But be warned, this should be your last resort as it will erase all your customized settings, apps, and data.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Press the Menu button on your remote control.
  2. Navigate to the System or Advanced settings.
  3. Find the Factory Reset option (it may also be called Reset to Default or something similar).
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the reset.

After the factory reset, your TV should be back to its default settings, and the headphone mode issue should be resolved.

Pro Tip: Remember to note down your customized settings and any apps you want to reinstall after the reset.

5. Update or Reboot Your TV

Sometimes, a simple update or reboot can work wonders. Here’s what you can do:


  • Press the Menu button on your remote control.
  • Navigate to the System or About section.
  • Look for the Software Update option. If available, follow the on-screen instructions to update your TV’s firmware.


  • Unplug your TV from the power source.
  • Wait for about 30 seconds.
  • Plug it back in.

This can help reset your TV’s settings and potentially resolve the headphone mode issue.

Pro Tip: Make sure your TV is connected to the internet for a successful update.

6. Check External Devices

If you have external devices connected to your TV, such as gaming consoles or streaming devices, they could be the culprits.

Sometimes, these devices may send audio signals that trigger headphone mode. Try the following:

  • Disconnect all external devices from your TV.
  • Turn off the TV.
  • Turn on the TV without any external devices connected.
  • Check if the issue persists.

If the TV no longer thinks it’s in headphone mode, one of your external devices may have been causing the problem.

Reconnect them one by one to identify the troublesome device.

7. Check for Firmware Updates on External Devices

If you suspect that an external device is causing the issue, ensure that the firmware for that device is up to date.

Manufacturers often release firmware updates to address compatibility issues.

Visit the manufacturer’s website or consult the device’s manual for instructions on how to update its firmware.

8. Contact Onn Customer Support

If you’ve tried all the steps mentioned above and your Onn TV is still stubbornly stuck in headphone mode, it might be time to reach out to the experts.

Contact Onn customer support for professional assistance.

They can guide you through specific troubleshooting steps for your TV model or provide further solutions to get your TV back to normal.

Pro Tip: Be sure to have your TV’s model and serial numbers handy when you contact customer support. This information can help them provide more targeted assistance.


Q2. What should I do if the volume buttons on my remote control are stuck?

  • A2: If your remote control’s buttons are stuck, clean and unstick them. Stuck volume buttons can sometimes trigger headphone mode.

Q3. How do I access the TV settings to change the audio output from headphone mode?

  • A3: Press the “Menu” button on your remote control, navigate to the “Audio” or “Sound” settings, and look for the option to switch from headphone mode to TV speakers.

Q4. What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

  • A4: If none of the steps resolve the issue, consider performing a factory reset as a last resort. If that doesn’t work, contact Onn customer support for professional assistance.

Q5. Should I update my TV’s firmware, and how do I do it?

  • A5: Yes, updating your TV’s firmware can address software-related issues. Navigate to the “System” or “About” section in the TV settings to find the “Software Update” option, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Q6. What do I do if external devices are causing the problem?

  • A6: Disconnect all external devices and reconnect them one by one to identify the problematic device. Ensure that the firmware for external devices is up to date.

Q7. How can I contact Onn customer support for assistance?

  • A7: Visit the Onn website or refer to your TV’s user manual for contact information. When reaching out to customer support, have your TV’s model and serial numbers ready to provide for more targeted assistance.

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