6 Onn TV Black Screen Problems

Today, I’m diving headfirst into a couple of pesky Onn TV problems: the dreaded black screen.

You know, when your TV turns into a sleek, stylish brick?

In summary, if you’re facing the frustrating issue of a black screen on your Onn TV, here’s what you need to know:

  1. HDMI Cables: Ensure your HDMI cables are properly connected and not damaged. Sometimes, switching out a faulty cable can solve the problem.
  2. Power Supply: Check the power cable and outlet to confirm they’re working correctly. Don’t forget to inspect your TV’s capacitors, as they can sometimes cause a black screen when they fail.
  3. Software Solutions: Reboot your TV and consider a factory reset if necessary to resolve software-related issues.
  4. Source Device and Inputs: Test your source device and try different TV inputs to rule out problems with them.
  5. Firmware Updates: Regularly check for firmware updates from the manufacturer to fix bugs and improve TV performance.
  6. Remote Control: Ensure your remote control is working properly, change the batteries, and consider using a universal remote as a backup.
  7. Display Settings: Check your TV’s display settings, as they may affect the screen’s appearance.
  8. Internal Connections: For the technically inclined, inspect the TV’s internal connections and consider backlight replacement if needed.
  9. Contact Support: If all else fails, reach out to Onn’s customer support for guidance or warranty-related solutions.

The Black Screen Curse

you’re all set to binge-watch your favorite series, but instead of your show, you’re staring at a black void. What’s a tech-savvy person to do in this situation? Panic? Nah! We’re gonna tackle this like a boss.

Problem #1: HDMI Gremlins

First thing’s first – check your HDMI cables. These little devils can sometimes be the root of all evil. They get loose, frayed, or simply decide to act up. Make sure they’re securely plugged in both on the TV and the source device. If you have multiple HDMI ports, give each a shot.

Don’t forget to reboot your source device as well. Sometimes, it just needs a little kick to wake up and play nice. Unplug it, count to 10 (or 20 if you’re feeling patient), and plug it back in.

Bonus tip: If you have a spare HDMI cable lying around, try swapping it in. It could be a cable issue, and voila, your screen might spring back to life.

Problem #2: Power Problems

If your HDMI cables are all good, the next suspect is your TV’s power supply.

Check the power cable and outlet. Make sure it’s plugged in properly and that the outlet is working. Try plugging in a different device to verify if it’s an outlet issue. If it’s the power cable that’s problematic, it’s usually a cheap and easy fix.

Now, here’s where things get a bit more technical. Check the TV’s capacitors. These little guys store electrical energy, and when they fail, they can cause your TV to refuse to light up. If you’re a DIY champ, you can open up your TV and visually inspect them for bulging or leaking. If you see any, they’ll need to be replaced.

Problem #3: It’s Not Always the TV

Okay, so you’ve diligently checked your HDMI cables, given your power supply a once-over, and even rebooted your TV. But wait, is the screen still pitch black? Let’s not forget that sometimes the problem might not actually be with your TV.

Check your source device. It’s entirely possible that your cable box, gaming console, or whatever you’re trying to watch is the real troublemaker. Test your source device on another TV or monitor to confirm if it’s working correctly.

Test other inputs. If you have multiple HDMI or AV inputs on your TV, try them all. It could be that one input is acting up, but another one works like a charm. You may have to adjust the input source on your TV accordingly.

Problem #4: Firmware Fixes

As I mentioned earlier, software can be sneaky, and even your TV’s firmware could use a little tune-up.

Check for firmware updates. Manufacturers often release firmware updates to fix bugs and improve performance. Visit the Onn website or consult your TV’s manual to learn how to update the firmware. This can sometimes magically fix a black screen issue.

Problem #5: Hidden Display Settings

Sometimes, our TVs have a mind of their own when it comes to display settings. It’s a bit like a misbehaving teenager who keeps changing their room decor without asking.

Access your display settings. Dive into your TV’s menu and explore the display settings. You might discover that the brightness, contrast, or some other setting is causing the black screen. Reset them to their default values and see if that helps.

Problem #6: The Gremlins in the TV Panel

This is a little more advanced and requires some technical knowledge. If you’re comfortable tinkering with electronics, you can try this.

Inspect the TV’s internal connections. Open up your TV (only if you’re out of warranty and feel confident doing so). Look for loose or disconnected cables within the TV, especially the ones leading to the screen itself. Reconnect any loose cables and check for any visible damage.

Backlight replacement. The backlight in your TV can sometimes go kaput, causing a black screen. If you have the skills and tools, replacing the backlight could bring your TV back to life.


here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about dealing with Onn TV black screen problems:

1. My Onn TV has a black screen. What should I check first?

  • Start by checking the HDMI cables. Ensure they are securely connected to both your TV and the source device. If they are loose or damaged, this can be a common cause of a black screen.

2. What should I do if my HDMI cables are fine, but the screen is still black?

  • Try rebooting your TV and your source device. Unplug them, wait a minute, and then plug them back in. Sometimes, this simple step can resolve software-related issues.

3. How can I rule out power supply problems?

  • Check the power cable for a secure connection and ensure the outlet you’re using is functioning. If the power cable or outlet is the issue, replace or repair as needed.

4. What if I’ve tried everything, and the problem persists?

  • It might be a good time to contact Onn’s customer support. They can provide guidance specific to your TV model or advise on warranty-related solutions.

5. Can display settings affect the black screen issue?

  • Yes, your TV’s display settings, such as brightness or contrast, can sometimes cause a black screen. Access the menu and reset these settings to their defaults if needed.

6. What should I do if my TV’s remote control is acting up?

  • Replace the batteries in the remote control, and if that doesn’t work, consider using a universal remote as a temporary solution.

7. Is it safe to open up my TV and check the internal connections?

  • If you have technical knowledge and feel confident, inspecting the TV’s internal connections can be a solution. However, be cautious, as this can void your warranty, and it’s best to consult a professional if you’re unsure.

8. How often should I check for firmware updates on my Onn TV?

  • It’s a good practice to periodically check for firmware updates from the manufacturer. These updates can fix bugs and enhance your TV’s performance.

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