4 Things to Do When Your Onn TV Antenna Stops Working

I know how frustrating it can be when your Onn TV antenna suddenly decides to throw in the towel.

But fear not, because I’ve got your back.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through four practical steps to troubleshoot and fix your Onn TV antenna when it’s not working.

In summary, when your Onn TV antenna isn’t working, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

  1. Check the Basics: Ensure that your physical connections, including the coaxial cable and antenna positioning, are secure and in good condition.
  2. Rescan for Channels: Perform a channel rescan on your TV to update your channel lineup.
  3. Check for Interference: Identify and eliminate sources of interference such as electronic devices and metal obstacles.
  4. Invest in a Signal Booster: Consider using a signal booster to strengthen your antenna’s signal if other methods fail.
  5. Investigate Signal Strength: Verify your signal strength and consider using a signal attenuator if necessary.
  6. Look for Antenna Damage: Inspect your antenna for physical damage, and replace damaged cables as needed.
  7. Upgrade Your Antenna: Consider upgrading to a different type of antenna, such as an outdoor or smart antenna, for improved reception.
  8. Check for Local Broadcast Tower Changes: Be aware of any changes in local broadcast towers or channel frequencies and adjust your antenna accordingly.
  9. Cable and Connector Checks: Replace old or low-quality cables and ensure connectors are in good condition.
  10. Consider an Indoor Antenna: If outdoor antennas aren’t working, think about switching to an indoor antenna with amplification capabilities.
  11. Consult Online Communities and Forums: Seek advice from online communities and forums where experienced users can provide guidance for specific issues.

1. Check the Basics: The Physical Stuff

First things first, make sure you’ve got the physical connections sorted out.

It might sound too simple, but sometimes the devil’s in the details:

Inspect the cable: Ensure that the coaxial cable connecting your TV to the antenna is securely plugged in at both ends. A loose connection can wreak havoc.

Antenna position: Take a moment to confirm that your Onn TV antenna is positioned correctly. Try moving it around and see if the signal improves. Sometimes, all it takes is a slight adjustment to get a better reception.

Weatherproofing: If your antenna is placed outdoors, check for any weather-related damage or wear and tear. A little tape or sealant might do the trick to keep the elements out.

2. Rescan for Channels

If your TV antenna was working fine until recently, it might be because of a change in available channels in your area. So, it’s time to rescan for channels:

Grab your TV remote and navigate to the setup or menu option.

Look for the “Channel” or “Antenna” setup and select the “Auto-Tune” or “Auto-Scan” option.

Let your TV scan for available channels. This process may take a few minutes.

Once it’s done, you should have a refreshed channel lineup. This step often solves the issue if channels disappeared from your list.

3. Check for Interference

Electronics can sometimes interfere with TV signals. So, it’s essential to identify and eliminate interference:

Electrical devices: Make sure there are no electronic devices close to your TV or antenna. Sometimes, devices like cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, or even a microwave can disrupt the signal.

Metal obstacles: Large metal objects or structures between your antenna and the broadcast tower can weaken the signal. Try repositioning your antenna or eliminating the obstacle if possible.

Tower direction: Ensure your antenna is pointed towards the nearest broadcast tower. There are online tools and apps that can help you locate the towers in your area.

4. Invest in a Signal Booster

If you’ve tried all the steps above and your Onn TV antenna is still not performing up to par, you might want to consider getting a signal booster:

  • A signal booster, also known as an amplifier or preamplifier, can help strengthen the signal received by your antenna.
  • Simply connect it between your antenna and your TV. It can make a significant difference, especially if you’re in an area with weak or distant broadcast towers.

5. Investigate Signal Strength

Sometimes, the issue might be related to the signal strength in your area. Here’s what you can do:

Check signal strength: Many modern TVs have an option to check signal strength.

Navigate to your TV’s menu or settings and find the signal or reception section. You’ll likely see a signal strength indicator.

If it’s weak, that could be the root of your problems.

Signal amplifier: In addition to a signal booster, you might consider a signal attenuator if your signal is too strong.

This device can help prevent signal overload, which can also disrupt your TV reception.

6. Look for Antenna Damage

Over time, antennas can wear out or sustain damage. Inspect your Onn TV antenna for any visible issues:

Physical damage: Check for any visible damage to the antenna, such as bent or broken elements.

If you see any, it’s time to consider a replacement.

Cable damage: Examine the coaxial cable for any nicks or fraying.

A damaged cable can significantly impact your signal quality. Replace it if necessary.

7. Upgrade Your Antenna

If you’ve tried everything and your Onn TV antenna still isn’t cooperating, it might be time to consider an upgrade:

Antenna type: Depending on your location and distance from broadcast towers, a different type of antenna may be more suitable.

An outdoor or multi-directional antenna can be more effective in some cases.

High-definition antenna: If you haven’t already, consider upgrading to a high-definition (HD) antenna.

They are designed to capture digital signals better, which are now the standard for most broadcasts.

Smart antenna: Smart antennas can automatically adjust their position to optimize signal reception.

While pricier, they can be a worthwhile investment for consistent signal quality.

8. Check for Local Broadcast Tower Changes

Sometimes, TV channels change their broadcast towers, frequencies, or even the direction they transmit.

This can lead to reception problems. Here’s what you can do:

Check local resources: Visit websites or use apps like “TV Fool” or “AntennaWeb” to find up-to-date information on local broadcast towers and channels. This can help you realign your antenna for optimal reception.

Rescan after tower changes: If you discover that a local channel has moved to a new tower or frequency, you’ll need to rescan your TV to pick up the changes.

9. Cable and Connector Checks

Don’t underestimate the importance of your cables and connectors.

These often-overlooked components can be the source of your antenna troubles:

Replace old or low-quality cables: Sometimes, it’s as simple as swapping out that old, frayed coaxial cable for a new, high-quality one. It can make a world of difference.

Check connectors: Ensure that the connectors on the cable aren’t corroded or damaged. If they are, replace them. You can even apply some dielectric grease to keep them in good condition.

10. Consider an Indoor Antenna

If you’ve been struggling with an outdoor antenna, and nothing seems to improve your reception, it might be time to consider switching to an indoor antenna:

Indoor antennas are less susceptible to weather-related issues, making them a good choice if your area experiences harsh weather conditions.

Look for an indoor antenna with amplification capabilities to boost your signal. They’re compact and often easier to position for the best reception.

11. Consult Online Communities and Forums

Don’t underestimate the power of online communities and forums. You’re not alone in your antenna troubles, and there are plenty of knowledgeable folks ready to offer advice and solutions:

Websites like Reddit, AVS Forum, and Digital Home are great places to ask for help, share your specific situation, and get tailored advice.

Be sure to provide as much detail as possible about your location, equipment, and the issues you’re facing. The more information you give, the better others can help you.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers related to troubleshooting Onn TV antenna issues:

1. My Onn TV antenna was working fine, but now I’m not getting any channels. What should I do?

  • First, check your physical connections, including the coaxial cable and antenna positioning. Make sure everything is secure. If that doesn’t work, try rescanning for channels on your TV. Sometimes, channels can change frequencies or towers.

2. I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps, and I’m still not getting a good signal. What’s my next step?

  • If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options, consider investing in a signal booster to enhance your antenna’s performance. Also, verify if there have been any changes to local broadcast towers, as this can affect your reception.

3. Are there specific tools or apps that can help me find local broadcast towers?

  • Yes, there are several tools and apps available to help you locate nearby broadcast towers. Websites like TV Fool and AntennaWeb provide this information. Mobile apps like “TV Towers” or “HD Antenna” are also handy for tower location.

4. My antenna is outdoors, and it’s exposed to harsh weather conditions. What can I do to protect it?

  • You can weatherproof your outdoor antenna by using a weather-resistant cover or sealant on the connections. Regularly inspect the antenna for damage, especially after severe weather, and replace any damaged parts.

5. Can I use a signal booster and a signal attenuator at the same time?

  • While it’s technically possible to use both, it’s not recommended. A signal booster amplifies the signal, while a signal attenuator reduces it. Using both can lead to signal overload and poor reception. Start with a booster and only add an attenuator if you have excessive signal strength.

6. How often should I rescan for channels on my TV?

  • It’s a good practice to rescan for channels on your TV periodically, especially when you notice changes in your channel lineup or if channels are missing. You might need to rescan if local towers make frequency or channel changes as well.

7. Can I install my Onn TV antenna in the attic, or does it need to be outside?

  • Onn TV antennas can work both indoors and outdoors. The choice depends on your location and reception quality. Outdoor antennas generally have fewer obstructions and can capture stronger signals, but indoor antennas are convenient and suitable for urban areas with good signal strength.

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